Identity Quote


Why bother with Identity Management?  Sir James Crosby, a former bank CEO and the Deputy Chairman of the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom has this to say:

 “… those countries with the most effective ID assurance systems and infrastructure will enjoy economic and social advantage, and those without will miss an opportunity. There is a clear virtuous circle. The ease and confidence with which individuals can assert their identity improves economic efficiency and social cohesion…”

In two sentences Sir Crosby fairly summarizes why IdM has become such a priority for governments and the private sector — so many of the advantages of e-government and e-business are increasingly dependendent on knowing who is at the end of the line.  Without effective identity proofing, a well issued and managed credential, good authentication methods and full life-cycle management of user credentials, it becomes difficult for organizations to conduct their business online.

And in these uncertain times, who doesn’t want a little ‘economic and social advantage’?


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